prefix: "&c[&7[&aConnectTheBlocks&7]&c] "
reloadCommand: "&aConfig files reloaded."
noPermissions: "&cYou don't have permissions."
errorCompletePreviousLevel: "&cYou need to complete the previous level first."
errorLevelAlreadyCompleted: "&cYou have already completed this level."
errorSelectABlock: "&cYou need to select a block first."
commandNotPlayer: "&cYou need to be a player to use this command!"
notEnabledOnThisWorld: "&aConnectTheBlocks &cis not enabled on this world!"
commandEditLevelError: "&cYou must use &7/ctb editlevel <category> <level>"
commandRemoveLevelError: "&cYou must use &7/ctb removelevel <category> <level>"
categoryDoesNotExist: "&cThat category doesn't exist."
levelDoesNotExist: "&cThat level doesn't exist."
levelRemoved: "&aLevel &7%level% &aremoved correctly from category &7%category%&a."
createLevelInventoryCategoryTitle: "&4Select a Category"
createLevelInventoryTypeTitle: "&4Select a Level Type"
createLevelCancel: "&7Level creation cancelled."
createLevelInventoryTitle: "&2Creating Level"
createLevelInventoryCreateButton: "&eCreate Level"
createLevelInventorySelectedBlock: "&a[Selected]"
createLevelNotValidLevel: "&7Can't complete level creation since the form of the level is not valid."
createLevelSaved: "&aLevel &7%level% &asaved correctly!"
Last updated