Commands and Permissions


  • For commands used to modify variables, the player parameter is only necessary when the specified variable type is set to PLAYER.

  • You can add silent:true to the end of a command to hide the information/feedback message.

  • Command alias: /servervariables


/svar set <variable> <value> <player> (optional)silent:true

Sets the value to the variable. You can also set a value with spaces: /svar set <variable> "value with spaces" <player>

/svar get <variable> <player>

Gets the value of the variable.

/svar add <variable> <value> <player> (optional)silent:true

Adds a value to a variable, only if the variable value type is set to INTEGER or DOUBLE.

/svar reduce <variable> <value> <player> (optional)silent:true

Reduces the value of a variable, only if the variable value type is set to INTEGER or DOUBLE.

/svar reset <variable> <player>/* (optional)silent:true

Resets the value of a variable to the default/initial value. * means all players.

/svar reload

Reloads the config.




Grants access to all plugin commands.

Last updated