Search with MythicMobs example

To add entities to a Search you will need the plugin MythicMobs or Citizens.


This plugin allows you to create very customized entities. I didn't want to add a new functionality to my plugin in which you can create entities and decorate them as you want, since MythicMobs/Citizens already do that.

MythicMobs mob file

I created the following mob in the Mobs folder:

  Health: 20
  Damage: 0
    AlwaysShowName: false
    Despawn: false
    Glowing: false
    KnockbackResistance: 0.8
    MovementSpeed: 0
    NoAI: true
    Silent: true
    Invincible: true
    PreventOtherDrops: true
    PreventItemPickup: true
    PreventRandomEquipment: true
    PreventSunburn: true
    PreventJockeyMounts: true
    PreventTransformation: true
  - LobbyMobHead HEAD

Make sure the NoAI option is set to true, so the entity can't move and remains always in the same position.

MythicMobs item file

I also created an item file in the Items folder:

    SkinTexture: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNTY4NGYxMTQ4MGMwZmM5NzQ4MGVkMWI3MGMyMzEzOWJiNGZjZDYxNmNjOTY3ZTZjNzc5YmExZDJlZDU1In19fQ==

This custom textured head will be placed in the head of the mob.

Now to create the search:

  1. Use the /search create halloween command.

  2. Spawn the previously created mob using /mm mob spawn LobbyMob in the desired location.

  3. Look at the mob and use the /search addentity halloween command.

The Search now requires players to find this mob. Of course you can add as many as you want. You can now modify the Search properties like display particles.

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