In this page you will find all properties of searches configuration files. Everytime you modify something in these files you must reload the plugin using /thesearch reload.
Permission Required
If enabled, players will need the (<search>) permission to interact with this search.
permission_required: true
Searches have different categories of actions: Default actions, Last actions, Already found actions, Reach amount actions and Object actions. These actions have the same properties but will be executed in different cases.
Types of Action
Default Actions
Actions that will execute when a player finds an object of this Search.
# Example of Default Actions
- '{centered}&7&m '
- ''
- '{centered}&aYou have discovered a &e&lHidden Treasure&a! &7(&e%current%&8/&e%total%&7)'
- ''
- '{centered}&7&m '
Last Actions
Actions that will execute when the players finds the last object of this Search.
# Example of Last Actions
- '{centered}&7&m '
- ''
- '{centered}&c&lCONGRATS!'
- '{centered}&aYou have discovered all the &e&lHidden Treasures'
- '{centered}&ain the lobby!'
- '{centered}&7Reward: &a$10.000'
- ''
- '{centered}&7&m '
Object Actions
Actions that will execute on individual objects.
# Example of Object Actions
# When the player finds this block, default actions will be replaced
# with these ones. If you don't want object actions, delete the entire
# "actions" section.
type: 'block: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNmNlZjlhYTE0ZTg4NDc3M2VhYzEzNGE0ZWU4OTcyMDYzZjQ2NmRlNjc4MzYzY2Y3YjFhMjFhODViNyJ9fX0='
location: 40.0;68.0;0.0;Christmas1
- '{centered}&7&m '
- ''
- '{centered}&c&lUnique message for this specific block'
- '{centered}&e%remaining% &7remaining.'
- ''
- '{centered}&7&m '
find_sound: ENTITY_PLAYER_LEVELUP;10;1
Reach amount Actions
Actions that will execute when a player reaches certain amount of find objects on a search.
# Example of Reach amount Actions.
# These actions will be executed when the player has found 2 objects
# on this search.
# Amount of objects needed to execute actions. You can add as many sections
# you need.
# Actions.
- '{centered}&7&m '
- ''
- '{centered}&bYou are almost there! Only 1 present remaining!'
- ''
- '{centered}&7&m '
Already found Actions
Actions that will execute when a player tries to interact with an already found object of this Search.
# Example of Already found Actions
- '{centered}&7&m '
- ''
- '{centered}&cYou have already found this block!'
- ''
- '{centered}&7&m '
find_sound: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_PLING;10;0.1
If you don't want a certain action, you can remove the option from the config.
Find Chat Message
This is the chat message to be sent to the player when finding an object from this Search.
# Available variables:
# %current% -> shows the number of objects a player has found.
# %total% -> shows the total objects of this search.
# %remaining% -> shows the remaining objects to find on this search.
# %object_x%, %object_y%, %object_z% -> location of the object.
# PlaceholderAPI variables
- '{centered}&4&m<< >>'
- ''
- '{centered}&fYou have discovered a &a&lChristmas Present&f! &7(&e%current%&8/&e%total%&7)'
- ''
- '{centered}&4&m<< >>'
Some Considerations:
You can use the {centered} tag before a text to make it centered.
You can use HEX color codes using #000000Text
Find Title Message
This is the title on screen to be sent to the player when finding an object from this Search.
# Available variables:
# %current% -> shows the number of objects a player has found.
# %total% -> shows the total objects of this search.
# %remaining% -> shows the remaining objects to find on this search.
# %object_x%, %object_y%, %object_z% -> location of the object.
# PlaceholderAPI variables
# Title and subtitle messages.
# Use 'none' to set it empty.
title: '&cChristmas Present Found!'
subtitle: '&7(&a%current%&8/&a%total%&7)'
# Times of title transitions in ticks (20 ticks = 1 second).
fadeIn: 20
stay: 40
fadeOut: 20
Find Sound
Sound to be sent to the player when finding an object from this Search.
# You must use the following format:
# find_sound: <sound_name>;<volume>;<pitch>
# 1.16 Sounds:
# 1.8 Sounds:
find_sound: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_PLING;10;1.8
Find Effects
Effects to be displayed ONLY to the player when finding an object from this Search. Check HERE.
Random Find Effects
Enable this option if you want to select a random find effect from the find_effects list when a player finds an object.
find_effects_are_random: true
Find Commands
Console commands to be sent to the player when finding an object from this Search.
# Available variables:
# %current% -> shows the number of objects a player has found.
# %total% -> shows the total objects of this search.
# %remaining% -> shows the remaining objects to find on this search.
# %object_x%, %object_y%, %object_z% -> location of the object.
# %player% -> name of the player finding the object.
- eco give %player% 10000
Display Particles
These particles will be displayed for players that haven't found an object (block or entity) yet.
# Whether particles should be displayed or not.
enabled: true
# The time (in ticks) in which these particles will appear.
speed: 5
# You can add multiple particles
# The particle to display.
# 1.16 Particles:
# 1.8 Particles:
# If you want to use a colored redstone particle you need to
# follow this format:
# particle: REDSTONE;<color>
# You can found all minecraft color values here:
particle: FLAME
# You can also display a CUSTOM THESEARCH particle.
# If you set a custom particle, you don't need to specify the
# previous "particle" option.
# More info about this option in the next section.
form: ORBIT;0.5
amount: 60
# This is the particle speed (propagation), set it to 0.01 if you want
# the particle to be static.
speed: 0.01
# These options will add a translation to the particle in the
# respective coordinate.
# You can use the %random_<min>_<max>% variable to select a random
# value between two numbers. Example: "%random_-0.3_0.3%"
offset_x: 0
offset_y: 2.5
offset_z: 0
Custom Particle
You can display TheSearch particles with custom forms/shapes. For this to work you need to add the custom_particle option.
# This will create a circle particle around the object with a radius of 0.5
# blocks, 60 particles in total and using the VILLAGER_HAPPY particle.
form: CIRCLE;0.5
amount: 60
For now there are only 2 forms; CIRCLE and ORBIT
form: CIRCLE;<radius>
form: CIRCLE;0.5
Creates a circle of particles.
form: ORBIT;<radius>
form: ORBIT;1
Creates a particle orbiting the object in a circular shape. The speed of the orbit is defined by the amount of particles. More particles mean lower speed.
The particle to display.
# 1.16 Particles:
# 1.8 Particles:
# If you want to use a colored redstone particle you need to
# follow this format:
# particle: REDSTONE;<color>
# You can found all minecraft color values here:
The amount of particles to display.
amount: 60
Sound Clue
This option allows you to play a sound to players near objects of the search to find them easier.
# If you don't want this option, just delete it.
# Delay of the sound in ticks (20 ticks = 1 second)
delay: 60
# An appropiate value for the sound volume is 2.
volume: 2
# Sound to play.
# 1.16 Sounds:
# 1.8 Sounds:
# Pitch of the sound.
pitch: 1.5
Action Bar Clue
This options allows you to display a message on the actionbar to players near objects of the search to find them easier.
# If you don't want this option, just delete it.
# Delay of the message in ticks (20 ticks = 1 second)
delay: 20
# Message to display in the action bar.
# You can use the %distance% variable to show the distance between
# the object to find and the player.
message: "&fThere is a halloween head &6%distance% blocks &faway!"
# Minimum distance to the object to start displaying the clue message.
min_distance: 15