How to Start

Information of the plugin to work correctly on your server.


1) Spigot

You need Spigot or Paper for the plugin to work. Don't use Craftbukkit.

Optional Dependencies

1) MythicMobs or Citizens

If you want to add entities to searches you need MythicMobs: or Citizens:

2) PlaceholderAPI

If you need to add TheSearch variables on another plugin:

3) Holographic Displays, DecentHolograms or CMI

If you want to use the hologram find effect, you will need a hologram plugin:

HolographicDisplays: DecentHolograms: CMI:

Installation and first steps

To install the plugin on your server place the TheSearch.jar file inside your plugins folder and start your server.

To start using the plugin do the following:

  1. Use /thesearch create <name> to create a new Search.

  2. Use /thesearch addblock <name> looking at a block, to add it to the Search. This block is the one players must find. If you want players to find a mob/entity instead, use /thesearch addentity <name> looking at a MythicMobs/Citizens entity. You can find a more detailed example of this HERE.

  3. You will see that the block now displays a particle. This particle will show only to players that haven't find the object. This particle is completely configurable.

  4. If you want to see information of the search and its objects you can use /thesearch info. Here you can even teleport to the objects you defined.

  5. Modify all the properties of the search in its config on the searches folder. Click HERE to learn about all the options.

Last updated