Commands and Permissions




Opens the crafting inventory.

/ecraft create <name> /ecraft create <name> original

Creates a new crafting for the item in your hand. Optional original parameter, explained HERE.

/ecraft edit <name>

Edits an already created crafting.

/ecraft editall

Main menu to edit craftings.

/ecraft delete <name>

Deletes a crafting.

/ecraft give <player> <crafting> (optional)<amount>

Gives a crafting to a player.

/ecraft opencategory <player> <category> (optional, blocked inventory)<true/false>

Opens an EpicCraftingsPlus category to the player. The last argument represents whether or not the inventory should be blocked. More info HERE. Example: /ecraft opencategory Ajneb weapons_armor true

/ecraft opencraft <player> <crafting> (optional, blocked inventory)<true/false>

Opens a crafting to the player. The last argument represents whether or not the inventory should be blocked. More info HERE. Example: /ecraft opencraft Ajneb diamond_sword true

/ecraft reload

Reloads the Config.

/ecraft help

Shows this message.

/ecraft setplace (optional)<category>

Creates a crafting place on the target block.

/ecraft removeplace

Removes a crafting place from the target block.

/ecraft reset <player> (optional)<crafting>

Resets player data (cooldown and times crafted an item).

/ecraft verify

Checks the plugin for errors.




Access to all functionalities and commands of the plugin.


Allows the player to bypass ALL crafting cooldowns.


Allows the player to reduce the cooldown of a crafting by a certain percentage. For example, ecraft.cooldown.supersword.60 will reduce the cooldown of the super_sword crafting by a 60%. You can replace <crafting> with * to reduce the cooldown for ALL craftings.


Allows to use the craft_with_money option item.

Crafting Creation with 'original' Parameter

When using /ecraft create <name> original (including the 'original' word), the item will be saved into the config as an EXACT/ORIGINAL COPY of the item, without losing any important properties and internal data.

This prevents some complex items from other plugins to broke when giving them again to the player.

Here is an example of the same item and the config differences.

Without 'original' parameter:

    name: '&eEmoticon Derp'
    amount: 1
    durability: 3
    - Skulls:ID|534
      texture: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHBzOi8vdGV4dHVyZXMubWluZWNyYWZ0Lm5ldC90ZXh0dXJlLzNiYWFiZTcyNGVhZTU5YzVkMTNmNDQyYzdkYzVkMmIxYzZiNzBjMmY4MzM2NGE0ODhjZTU5NzNhZTgwYjRjMyJ9fX0=
      id: 069a79f4-44e9-4726-a5be-fca90e38aaf5
      owner: '' 

With 'original' parameter:

      ==: org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack
      v: 3700
      type: PLAYER_HEAD
        ==: ItemMeta
        meta-type: SKULL
        display-name: '{"text":"","extra":[{"text":"Emoticon Derp","obfuscated":false,"italic":false,"underlined":false,"strikethrough":false,"color":"yellow","bold":false}]}'
        Damage: 3
        internal: H4sIAAAAAAAA/+NiYOBg4AzOLs3JKbbydGFgNjU2YQAAOpvx+xUAAAA=
          ==: PlayerProfile
          uniqueId: 069a79f4-44e9-4726-a5be-fca90e38aaf5
          - name: textures
            value: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHBzOi8vdGV4dHVyZXMubWluZWNyYWZ0Lm5ldC90ZXh0dXJlLzNiYWFiZTcyNGVhZTU5YzVkMTNmNDQyYzdkYzVkMmIxYzZiNzBjMmY4MzM2NGE0ODhjZTU5NzNhZTgwYjRjMyJ9fX0=

If you choose to save craftings this way, you'll have some limitations:

  • You'll not be able to modify the item manually in the config.

  • You'll not be able to use PlaceholderAPI variables in the item.

Last updated