Config.yml Tutorial

# This option defines the time (in seconds) to automatically save 
# plugin data.
data_auto_save_time: 600

# Whether or not to completely block the /ecraft command so you can
# limit players to only craft through crafting places.
block_ecraft_command: false

# If you set this option to true, players that don't have the necessary 
# permission to craft an item, won't see it on the crafting inventory.
hide_craftings_with_permissions: false 

# If you set this option to true, players that have already crafted a
# one time item, won't see it on the crafting inventory anymore. 
hide_one_time_craftings: false

# If you set this option to true, players that don't have the required 
# items to craft an item, won't see it on the crafting menu.
hide_craftings_with_no_requirements: false

# When enabled, required items will be checked, verifying their real 
# name/lore including color codes.
check_for_color_codes_in_required_items: false

# When enabled, craftings items will be drop to the ground if 
# the player has no space on its inventory.
drop_item_when_full_inventory: false

# Defines the main inventory of the plugin. This allows to replace 
# the main inventory with a category inventory instead, so you can use 
# EpicCraftingsPlus with only 1 category. If you want that, you just need
# to specify a category inventory, like: category_weapons_armor
main_inventory_type: main

# Allows to modify the height of the crafting place hologram 
# and fix some height issues.
crafting_place_hologram_height: 1.2

# With this option you can define specific blocks to open the
# main inventory or crafting categories.
  # Whether this option is enabled or not.
  enabled: false
  # Blocks that open certain category.
  # Format: <category>: <block_type>
  # All types here:
  # Latest versions:
  # Legacy versions:
    main: "CRAFTING_TABLE" 
    weapons_armor: "ANVIL"
# Send notifications when a crafting with cooldown is ready to
# be claimed.
  # Whether to send notifications when a crafting with cooldown
  # finished its cooldown.
  on_ready: true
  # Whether to send notifications when the player joins, when a 
  # crafting with cooldown is ready to be claimed.
  on_join: true
  # Sound to play to the player when receiving the notification.
  # Follow this format: <sound>;<volume>;<pitch>
  # Latest Sounds:
  # Legacy Sounds:
  sound: "BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_PLING;2;1.5"
# Whether or not a player can only be in one cooldown at once.
one_cooldown_at_the_time: false

# After how many days will the information of the log file be removed.
# If is set to 7 it means logs from 7 days old will be removed.
log_file_clear_time: 7

# Here you can define the default options for new craftings. The options 
# you can add here are the same that every crafting can have.
  - "firework: colors:YELLOW,RED type:BALL fade:AQUA power:0"
  cooldown: 30
  hide_required_items_flags: true

Last updated