
prefix: '&2[&a&lEpicCraftings&9&l+&2] '
configReloaded: '&aConfig reloaded.'
commandCreateError: '&cYou need to use: &7/ecraft create <name>'
commandEditError: '&cYou need to use: &7/ecraft edit <name>'
commandDeleteError: '&cYou need to use: &7/ecraft delete <name>'
commandGiveError: '&cYou need to use: &7/ecraft give <player> <name>'
commandPermissionsError: '&cYou don''t have permissions.'
mustHaveItemInHand: '&cYou must have an item in your hand!'
craftingAlreadyExists: '&cA crafting named &7%name% &calready exists!'
craftingDoesNotExists: '&cThe crafting &7%name% &cdoesn''t exists!'
craftError: '&cYou don''t have the sufficient amount of items to craft this!'
craftSuccessful: '&bYou have successfully created x%amount% %name%&b!'
craftWithMoneySuccessful: '&bYou have successfully created x%amount% %name%&b paying
createCraftingInventoryTitle: '&4&lCreating Crafting'
createCraftingInventoryInfoCategoryName: '&4&lSELECT A CATEGORY'
- '&7Click on a category to add the'
- '&e%name% &7crafting.'
createCraftingInventoryInfoRequiredItemsName: '&4&lADD REQUIRED ITEMS'
- '&7Drag and place the required items of'
- '&7this crafting.'
createCraftingInventoryCreateName: '&4&lCREATE CRAFTING'
- '&7Click to create!'
noRequiredItems: '&cYou must add at least one required item!'
craftingCreationFailed: '&cCrafting creation failed!'
craftingCreated: '&aCrafting &e%name% &acreated! You can modify its properties on
  the &7%name%.yml &aconfig file.'
craftingDeleted: '&aCrafting &e%name% &adeleted!'
extraRequirementsMessageStatusSymbolTrue: '&a&l✔'
extraRequirementsMessageStatusSymbolFalse: '&c&l✖'
craftErrorExtraRequirements: '&cYou dont''t have the necessary requirements to craft
craftErrorNoPermissions: '&cYou don''t have permissions to craft this.'
craftWithMoneyNoMoney: '&cYou don''t have the sufficient amount of money to craft
  this item!'
craftOneTimeError: '&cYou''ve already crafted this item. You can''t do it again!'
errorPlayerNotOnline: '&cThat player is not online!'
craftGive: '&aYou gave: &7%name% &ato &e%player%&a!'
craftReceived: '&aYou have received: &7x%amount% %name%&a!'
craftNoLeftSpaceError: '&cYou don''t have sufficient space in your inventory to craft
timeSeconds: s
timeMinutes: m
timeHours: h
timeDays: d
craftCooldownCreated: '&bGood! Now you need to wait &7%time% &buntil %name% &bis created!'
craftCooldownFinishMessage: '&7%name% &bcrafting has finished creating! You can reclaim
  it now.'
craftCooldownError: '&cThis crafting is in cooldown, you can''t craft it again!'
craftCooldownBypassedMessage: '&8[&aCooldown Bypassed&8]'
categoryOpenErrorNoPermissions: '&cYou don''t have permissions to open this category!'
categoryDoesNotExists: '&cThe category &7%name% &cdoesn''t exists!'
notLookingBlock: '&cYou must be looking at a block.'
craftingPlaceAlreadyExists: '&cA crafting place in that location already exists!'
craftingPlaceAdded: '&aCrafting Place added!'
craftingPlaceCategoryAdded: '&aCrafting Place for category &7%name% &aadded!'
- '&4&n-&c&lCRAFTING PLACE&4&n-'
- '&8[&eRight Click to Craft&8]'
- '&4&n-&c&lCRAFTING PLACE&4&n-'
- '&7[%category_alias%&7]'
- '&8[&eRight Click to Craft&8]'
craftingPlaceNotLookingError: '&cYou must be looking at a crafting place.'
craftingPlaceRemoved: '&aCrafting Place removed!'
craftingPlaceRemoveError: '&cTo remove this crafting place, use &7/ecraft removeplace
  &clooking at the block.'
ecraftCommandBlocked: '&cThat command is blocked!'
cooldownOneAtTheTimeError: '&cYou can''t craft another item because you are crafting
  one already.'
craftCooldownBypassedWithMoneyMessage: '&bCooldown Bypassed! Cost: &a$%cost%'
craftCooldownBypassNoMoney: '&cYou don''t have the sufficient amount of money to bypass
  the cooldown of this item!'
pluginDisabledError: '&cThe plugin has detected some errors. Check them and fix them
  using &7/ecraft verify'

Last updated