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Last updated
Command aliases: /playerkits, /kits
When using /kit create <kit>
, by default, items will be saved following the new_kit_default_save_mode_original
option in the config.yml file.
When using /kit create <kit> original
, items will be saved into the config as an EXACT/ORIGINAL COPY of the item, without losing any important properties and internal data. This prevents some complex items from other plugins to broke when giving them again to the player.
Here is an example of the same item and the config differences.
With 'configurable' parameter:
With 'original' parameter:
If you choose to save kits using the 'original' parameter, you'll have some limitations:
You'll not be able to modify the items manually in the config.
You'll not be able to use PlaceholderAPI variables in the items.
When using /kit create <kit> configurable
, items will be saved in a way you can modify their properties manually in the config following the documentation .
Opens the GUI.
/kit claim <kit>
Claims a kit outside the GUI.
/kit <kit>
Claims a kit outside the GUI only if claim_kit_short_command
option is enabled on the config.
/kit create <kit> /kit create <kit> original/configurable
Creates a new kit using the items in your inventory. Optionals original/configurable
parameters, explained HERE.
/kit edit <kit>
Edits a kit on a GUI.
/kit give <kit> <player>
Gives a kit to the player, ignoring cooldown, permission, one time and requirements.
/kit delete <kit>
Deletes a kit.
/kit reset <kit> <player>/*
Resets kit data for a player, or reset a kit for all players (using *)
/kit preview <kit>
Previews a kit.
/kit open <inventory> <player>
Opens a specific inventory (defined in inventory.yml file) for a player.
/kit reload
Reloads the config.
/kit verify
Allows to check for plugin/configuration errors.
/kit migrate
Imports kits data from PlayerKits v1. More info HERE.
Grants access to all plugin commands.
Allows the player to bypass cooldowns of all kits.
Allows the player to bypass the one time of all kits.