How to Start

Information of the plugin to work correctly on your server.


1) Spigot

You need Spigot or Paper for the plugin to work. Don't use Craftbukkit.


ComplexTurrets depends on NBT API to create turret items, so it's completely required. Link:

Optional Dependencies

1) Holograms plugin

If you want to enable information holograms above turrets, or damage holograms you will need one of these plugins. Holographic Displays: CMI: DecentHolograms:

2) Vault and Economy plugin

You can set turrets to be upgraded using money (Vault + an Economy plugin). If so, you need this plugin. Link:

3) Clan/Team plugins

4) Region plugins


To install the plugin on your server place the plugins ComplexTurrets and NBTAPI inside your plugins folder and start your server. Examples turret files will be generated in the turrets folder, you can use them as a reference or delete them.

Placing a Turret

1. Use the /ct give <turret> <player> command to receive a Turret Block. You can use the command from the console. Remember to use a valid turret name. If there is a file called Burst.yml, then the turret name is just "Burst".

2. Place the Turret Block on the ground and right click it. A settings inventory will be opened associated with this turret. Here you can upgrade the turret to have better stats, add whitelisted players, enable or disable attacking entities and add ammunition.

3. Default turrets require ammunition to shoot so you must access the Ammunition inventory on the turret and enable the Infinite Ammo option (This item will only appear if you are an administrator or have the required permission). You can also give you ammunition by using the following command: /ct giveammo <turret> <player> <amount> Ammunition items are placed on the same inventory like the image below.

4. Now you need to enable the turret in the previous inventory. If you want to add ammunition again, you have to disable the turret.

Last updated

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