Turrets Tutorial: Properties
In this page you will find all properties of turret configuration files. Remember that you can create as many turrets you want by just creating a new file and then reloading the plugin using /ct reload
This will be the name of the turret, used mainly for messages.
The structure defines the blocks of the turret. The last line of the list is the first block below. You need to use valid Material names. You can add more lines to make the turret taller. 1.16 Materials: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/Material.html 1.8 Materials: https://github.com/Attano/Spigot-1.8/blob/master/org/bukkit/Material.java You can also use heads with textures from this website: https://minecraft-heads.com/custom-heads Just write the Value property of the head.
Shoot Type
Currently there are 2 shoot types: INSTANT
. To check the differences, compare Burst and Siege, both default turrets. Burst has a INSTANT shoot and Siege has a PARABOLIC shoot.
Currently there are 2 target types: ENEMIES
. If target is set to ENEMIES, the turret anything. If target is set to ALLIES, the turret will shoot only allies of the player (Whitelisted players, tamed animals, allied players from other plugins). When Target is set to ALLIES remember to make the turret heals entities instead of damage them (by using min_heal and max_heal instead of min_damage and max_damage in turret upgrades)
Require Ammunition
If this option is set to true, players will need to add ammo to their turrets to start shooting. If set to false, the whole Ammunition inventory will not be available for this turret.
Health Recovery
If the turret has health, this is the amount of health the turret will recover at the period of time defined in the config.yml file.
Activation Delay
This will add an activation delay/cooldown (in seconds) to the turret when placed, meaning the turret will not start shooting until the delay is over.
Shoot Through Liquids
Should the turret be able to shoot through liquids?
Min Attack Distance
The minimum attack distance in blocks. If not set, the default value will be 2
Hologram Vertical Offset
If information holograms above turrets are not being displayed correctly, you can use this option to increase or decrease its height by a certain value.
Default Options
Here you can define some default options for the turret. Players with the correct permissions are allowed to change these options in the turret inventory.
There are 2 types of effects. Shoot effect
and impact effect
. Shoot effect will be displayed from the turret and impact effect on the target location. A turret could have just shoot effect or both.
Here is an example of what you can accomplish with the offset_horizontal option.
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