Turrets Tutorial: Upgrades

Upgrades Attributes

Upgrades will define the attributes the turret will have at certain level. You can add as many upgrades you want.

      speed: 3
      range: 11
      min_damage: 1
      max_damage: 2
      splash_radius: 1.5
      accuracy: 60
      health: 50
      money_cost: 0
      speed: 2.5
      range: 13
      min_damage: 8
      max_damage: 15
      splash_radius: 2.5
      accuracy: 80
      health: 70
      money_cost: 1000


Turret upgrades can have an extra property called actions. Actions have some properties in common:

Potion Effect

This action will apply a potion effect to the hit entity.

# In this example you can see that the second upgrade of this turret
# will have a 60% probability to apply SLOW effect level 1 for 7
# seconds to the hit entity.
      speed: 2.5
      range: 13
      min_damage: 8
      max_damage: 15
      splash_radius: 2.5
      health: 70
      money_cost: 1000
          # Use the following format: 
          # "potion_effect: <potion_effect>;<level>" You can find all
          # potion effects here: 
          # https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/potion/PotionEffectType.html
          type: "potion_effect: SLOW;1"
          duration: 7
          probability: 60

Set on fire

This action will set the hit entity on fire.

    # You just need to set the type to "set_on_fire"
    type: "set_on_fire"
    duration: 5
    probability: 20


This action will freeze the entity. Only works on 1.17+.

    # You just need to set the type to "set_on_fire"
    type: "freeze"
    duration: 20
    probability: 10


This action will push the entity on hit with a certain value.

    # Use the following format:
    # "knockback: <power>"
    # This action doesn't require a duration.
    type: "knockback: 0.5"
    probability: 100

Entity Damage Reduction

Most of the time you will want turrets to do damage according to the player current armor. If you want so, then you have to add the entity_damage_reduction option which is a formula. Read below to understand the behavior of this option.

# The turret normal damage is between 1 and 1.5.
# Imagine the player has 20 armor points provided by a full netherite armor
# without enchantments. This means, the entity damage reduction for this
# case will be: 20 * 0.03 + 0 * 0.03 = 0.6
# <20> representing the armor points and <0> meaning the armor doesn't have
# the projectile protection enchantment.
# The <0.6> final value means that the player will reduce the turret damage
# by a 60%. If the turret damages 1.2, the player will receive 0.48 damage.

# Now, what if the player has full netherite armor but all parts of this
# armor have the Projectile Protection Enchantment at level 4?
# The %protection_projectile_level% in this case will be
# 4+4+4+4 = 16 (since we are adding the level of all armor parts).
# Now the formula will be:
# 20 * 0.03 + 16 * 0.03 = 0.6 + 0.48 = 1.08
# This indicates that the damage will be reduced in a 108%. Since that's not
# possible, the damage is reduced by a 100% meaning the player doesn't
# take damage.
      speed: 0.75
      range: 10
      min_damage: 1
      max_damage: 1.5
      health: 50 
      entity_damage_reduction: "%armor%*0.03+%protection_projectile_level%*0.03"
      money_cost: 0

If you don't want damage reduction you can just remove this option.

You can change the formula as you want, just be careful and remember that the value must be greater or equal than 0. Below you can find possible variables to use.

Item Cost

Instead of using Vault and an economy plugin to upgrade turrets, you can do it by adding an item cost, so players will need to pay the upgrade using their items.

# In this example you can see that x5 Diamonds and x10 Iron Ingots are
# necessary to upgrade this turret to level 2.
      speed: 5
      range: 6
      min_heal: 3
      max_heal: 5
      max_targets: 3
      health: 70
          id: DIAMOND
          message_displayname: "&eDiamond"
          amount: 5
          id: IRON_INGOT
          message_displayname: "&eIron Ingot"
          amount: 10

Critical Hit

Option to allow the turret to do a critical shoot, making more damage/healing more.

      speed: 0.25
      range: 14
      min_damage: 2
      max_damage: 3
      health: 100
      money_cost: 3000
        # Chance in % of this critical hit
        chance: 60
        # Damage when doing a critical hit instead
        min_damage: 4
        max_damage: 8
        # Heal when doing a critical hit instead. Of course, use
        # these values instead only when the turret heals allies.
        min_heal: 2
        max_heal: 4

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