Turrets Tutorial: Items

You can use the following option in all items: custom_model_data: <value>

If you are on 1.21.4+ use instead this option: custom_model_component_data: strings: - "<value1>" flags: - "<value1>" - "<value2>" floats: [] colors: []

Main Items

Block Item

It's the block players will receive from the /ct give <turret> <player> command. You can use the following variables in the lore of the item: %upgrade_level%, %min_damage%, %max_damage%, %min_heal%, %max_heal%, %speed%, %range%, %health%, %splash_radius%, %max_targets%, %accuracy%, %max_ammo%, %action_<action>_probability%, %action_<action>_duration%, %critical_chance%

You can also use %fire_rate% which will show how many shots the turret do in 1 second.

    id: "COAL_BLOCK"
    name: "&aBurst Turret &6Block"
    - "&7Fast speed turret with no extra abilities."
    - ""
    - "&8» &7Level: &e%upgrade_level%"
    - "&8» &7Damage: &a%min_damage%&7-&a%max_damage%"
    - "&8» &7Cooldown: &a%speed% seconds"
    - "&8» &7Range: &a%range% blocks"

Ammunition Item

It's the item players will receive from the /ct giveammo <turret> <player> <amount> command. These items must be placed inside the turret ammunition inventory.

    id: "GHAST_TEAR"
    name: "&6Burst Turret &7Ammunition"
    - "&7Place this item in your turret inventory"
    - "&7to start shooting."

Inventory Items

Upgrade Item

This is the item the player needs to click to upgrade the turret inside the turret inventory. You can use the same variables as the ones in Block Item but adding a current or next before. You can also use the %money_cost% variable and the %item_cost% variable.

    id: "EMERALD"
    name: "&aBurst Turret &eUpgrade"
    - "&7Level: &e&l%current_level%&8 ➜ &e&l%next_level%"  
    - "&7Damage: &a%current_min_damage%&7-&a%current_max_damage%&8 ➜ &a%next_min_damage%&7-&a%next_max_damage%"
    - "&7Cooldown: &a%current_speed%(s)&8 ➜ &a%next_speed%(s)"
    - "&7Range: &a%current_range% blocks&8 ➜ &a%next_range% blocks"
    - "&7Health: &a%current_health%&8 ➜ &a%next_health%"
    - ""
    - "&7Cost: &6$%money_cost%"
    - ""
    - "&8[Click to Upgrade to Level &e&l%next_level%&8]"  

Last Upgrade Item

The same item as before but when the turret is at the max level.

    id: "REDSTONE"
    name: "&aBurst Turret &eUpgrade"
    - "&7Level: &e&l%current_level%"  
    - "&7Damage: &a%current_min_damage%&7-&a%current_max_damage%"
    - "&7Cooldown: &a%current_speed%(s)"
    - "&7Range: &a%current_range% blocks"
    - "&7Health: &a%current_health%"
    - ""
    - "&7No more Upgrades available" 

Last updated

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