
Actions are used on certain cases while in the game, also to give rewards.


Sends a message to the player.

message: &6➤ &f&l%piece% &8[&f%coords%&8] &aselected!

Centered Message

Sends a centered message to the player.

centered_message: &e&lTIME IS UP!

Console Command

Executes a command from the console.

console_command: eco give %player_winner% 100

Player Command

Executes a command from the player.

player_command: menu

Play Sound

Plays a sound to the player. Use this format: "playsound: sound;volume;pitch You can find a list of sounds here:

playsound: BLOCK_PISTON_EXTEND;10;1.5


Sends a title and subtitle message to the player. Use this format: "title: fadeIn;stay;fadeOut;title;subtitle" (The duration of fadeIn, stay and fadeOut must be in ticks, 20ticks = 1second) If you want just a title, or just subtitle write "none"

title: 10;80;10;&e&lTIME IS UP!;&eIt's a tie!

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