Frequently asked questions.

What movements does MineChess support?

All of chess movements, including:

  • En passant

  • Castling

  • Pawn promotion

The game also block movements that would put you in checkmate.

What possible game ends does MineChess has?

  • By Time: If the arena max time is reached. The winner will be chosen depending on the Game Mode selected for the arena.

  • By Checkmate: If a player puts the opponent in checkmate.

  • By Stalemate: If one of the players has no more possible movements but is not in check. This is considered a tie.

  • By Player Leave: If one of the players leaves the arena.

  • By Arena Disable: If the arena is disabled while in-game using the /minechess disable <arena> command.

I want each player to have their own time in the arena. How can I do that?

Use /minechess edit <arena> and set the Game Mode to PLAYER TIME. Now you can set the maximum amount of time each player has.

MineChess+ exclusive feature.

Last updated