
prefix: "&6[&fMineChess&9+&6] "
noPermissions: "&cYou don't have permissions."
configReloaded: "&aConfig reloaded."
commandCreateError: "&cYou must use &7/minechess create <arena>"
commandBuildError: "&cYou must use &7/minechess build <arena>"
commandDeleteError: "&cYou must use &7/minechess delete <arena>"
commandEditError: "&cYou must use &7/minechess edit <arena>"
arenaCreated: "&aArena &7%arena% &acreated! Use &7/minechess build &7%arena% &ato build the board in your current position."
arenaAlreadyExist: "&cArena &7%arena% &calready exist."
arenaDoesNotExist: "&cArena &7%arena% &cdoesn't exist."
arenaBuilt: "&aArena &7%arena% &abuilt! The arena is now playable, just remember to use &7/minechess enable &7%arena%&a."
arenaMustBeDisabled: "&cThe arena must be disabled."
arenaDeleted: "&aArena &7%arena% &adeleted!"
mainLobbySet: "&aMain lobby set."
commandEnableError: "&cYou must use &7/minechess enable <arena>"
arenaAlreadyEnabled: "&cArena &7%arena% &cis already enabled."
arenaMainLobbyError: "&cTo enable the arena you must first set the main game lobby using &7/minechess setmainlobby"
arenaLocationsMissing: "&cThere are locations missing on the arena. Remember to build the arena using &7/minechess build <arena>"
arenaEnabled: "&aArena &7%arena% &aenabled!"
commandDisableError: "&cYou must use &7/minechess disable <arena>"
arenaAlreadyDisabled: "&cArena &7%arena% &cis already disabled."
commandJoinError: "&cYou must use &7/minechess join <arena>"
commandSpectateError: "&cYou must use &7/minechess spectate <arena>"
pluginCriticalErrors: "&cThe plugin has detected some errors. Check them using &7/minechess verify"
arenaDisabled: "&aArena &7%arena% &adisabled!"
arenaIsDisabled: "&cThe arena is disabled."
arenaIsInGame: "&cThat arena already started."
arenaIsNotInGame: "&cThat arena has not started."
arenaIsFull: "&cThe arena is full."
noAvailableArenas: "&cThere are no available arenas at the moment."
commandBlocked: "&cYou can't use that command while playing."
playerAlreadyPlaying: "&cYou are already playing."
emptyInventoryToJoin: "&cTo join an arena clear your inventory first."
playerJoin: "&7%player% &ehas joined the game (&b%current_players%&8/&b%max_players%&e)"
playerNotPlaying: "&cYou are not playing."
playerLeave: "&7%player% &ehas left the game (&b%current_players%&8/&b%max_players%&e)"
gameStarting: "&7The game starts in &a%time% &7seconds."
gameStartingCancelled: "&7There are not enough players to start the game."
gameStarted: "&aGame started! You are the %piece_color% &apieces."
pieceBlack: "#a9a9a9&lBLACK"
pieceWhite: "&f&lWHITE"
piecePawn: "Pawn"
pieceRook: "Rook"
pieceBishop: "Bishop"
pieceKnight: "Knight"
pieceQueen: "Queen"
pieceKing: "King"
actionbarPlayerTurn: "&9It's &e%player% &9Turn. &8(&6%time%&8)"
actionbarYourTurn: "&9It's your Turn. &8(&6%time%&8)"
arenaDisabledKickMessage: "&7The arena was disabled, you were kicked."
statusWaiting: "&7WAITING"
statusStarting: "&7STARTING IN &a%time%"
statusIngame: "&7ENDS IN &a%time%"
statusIngame2: "&7PLAYING"
statusFinishing: "&7FINISHING IN &a%time%"
    title: "&f&lMineChess"
      - " "
      - "&f&lWhite &7Points: &a%white_points%"
      - "&0&lBlack &7Points: &a%black_points%"
      - " "
      - "&eStatus:"
      - "&7%status%"
      - ""
      - "&7You are playing on"
      - "&"
    title: "&f&lMineChess"
      - " "
      - "&f&lWhite &7Time: &a%white_time%"
      - "&0&lBlack &7Time: &a%black_time%"
      - " "
      - "&eStatus:"
      - "&7%status%"
      - ""
      - "&7You are playing on"
      - "&"
  - "&8[&0MineChess&8]"
  - "&4%arena%"
  - "%status%"
  - "&a%current_players%&8/&a%max_players%"
signStatusWaiting: "&1WAITING"
signStatusStarting: "&6STARTING"
signStatusIngame: "&cINGAME"
signStatusDisabled: "&8DISABLED"
signStatusFinishing: "&4FINISHING"
seconds: 's'
minutes: 'm'
hours: 'h'
days: 'd'
inventoryEditingArenaTitle: "&4&lEditing Arena"
inventoryEditingArenaLocationLobbyItemName: "&4&lLobby Location"
  - "&7Location of the lobby of the arena where"
  - "&7players will spawn when joining."
  - ""
  - "&7Current location:"
  - "%location%"
  - ""
  - "&a&lCLICK &ato update to your"
  - "&acurrent location"
inventoryEditingArenaLocationSpawnPlayerItemName: "%color% &4&lSpawn Location"
  - "&7Location where player %color% &7will"
  - "&7spawn when starting the game."
  - ""
  - "&7Current location:"
  - "%location%"
  - ""
  - "&a&lCLICK &ato update to your"
  - "&acurrent location"
  - "&cWorld: &f%world%"
  - "&cX: &f%x%"
  - "&cY: &f%y%"
  - "&cZ: &f%z%"
  - "&cPitch: &f%pitch%"
  - "&cYaw: &f%yaw%"
inventoryEditingArenaCommonLocationSet: "&aLocation set."
inventoryEditingArenaGameModeItemName: "&4&lGamemode"
  - "&7Type of game. There are 2 types:"
  - ""
  - "&e&lARENA TIME:"
  - "  &7The arena has a maximum amount of time, and players"
  - "  &7must complete their turn within a specific time limit."
  - "&e&lPLAYER TIME:"
  - "  &7Players have an individual total time limit. They can"
  - "  &7take as much time as they want during their turns. The"
  - "  &7first player to run out of time loses the game."
  - ""
  - "&7Current gamemode: &e%value%"
  - ""
  - "&a&lCLICK &ato change"
inventoryEditingArenaGameModeChanged: "&aGamemode changed."
inventoryEditingMaxTimeArenaTimeItemName: "&4&lMax Time"
  - "&7Maximum amount of time of the arena, in"
  - "&7seconds."
  - ""
  - "&7Current value: &e%value%"
  - ""
  - "&a&lLEFT CLICK &ato increase 10"
  - "&a&lSNEAK+LEFT CLICK &ato increase 60"
  - "&c&lRIGHT CLICK &cto decrease 10"
  - "&c&lSNEAK+RIGHT CLICK &cto decrease 60"
inventoryEditingTurnTimeItemName: "&4&lTurn Time"
  - "&7Maximum amount of time players have to"
  - "&7play their turn, in seconds."
  - ""
  - "&7Current value: &e%value%"
  - ""
  - "&a&lLEFT CLICK &ato increase 5"
  - "&a&lSNEAK+LEFT CLICK &ato increase 10"
  - "&c&lRIGHT CLICK &cto decrease 5"
  - "&c&lSNEAK+RIGHT CLICK &cto decrease 10"
inventoryEditingEndModeItemName: "&4&lEnd Mode"
  - "&7What must happen when the game ends because"
  - "&7of max time reached?"
  - ""
  - "&e&lCHECK POINTS:"
  - "  &7The player with more points will win the game."
  - "&e&lALWAYS TIE:"
  - "  &7The game will end in a tie."
  - ""
  - "&7Current mode: &e%value%"
  - ""
  - "&a&lCLICK &ato change"
inventoryEditingEndModeChanged: "&aEnd Mode changed."
inventoryEditingMaxTimePlayerTimeItemName: "&4&lMax Individual Time"
  - "&7Maximum amount of time players have during"
  - "&7the game, in seconds."
  - ""
  - "&7Current value: &e%value%"
  - ""
  - "&a&lLEFT CLICK &ato increase 10"
  - "&a&lSNEAK+LEFT CLICK &ato increase 60"
  - "&c&lRIGHT CLICK &cto decrease 10"
  - "&c&lSNEAK+RIGHT CLICK &cto decrease 60"
inventoryEditingArenaPiecesTypeItemName: "&4&lPieces Type"
  - "&7Type of pieces of the board. There are 2 types:"
  - ""
  - "&e&lBLOCK:"
  - "  &7Pieces are represented by blocks."
  - "  &7(can only be used with cell_size: LARGE)"
  - "&e&lMODEL:"
  - "  &7Pieces are represented by custom models."
  - "  &7(requires resource-pack)"
  - ""
  - "&7Current pieces type: &e%value%"
  - ""
  - "&a&lCLICK &ato change"
inventoryEditingArenaPiecesTypeChanged: "&aPieces Type changed."

Last updated