Arena Editing

In the config.yml file you can set the properties that all new arenas will have by default when creating them.

# Options that will have all new created arenas
  # Size of board's cells.
  # SMALL (ONLY MineChess+): 1x1 (for models)
  # MEDIUM (ONLY MineChess+): 2x2 (for models)
  # LARGE: 3x3 (for blocks, models)
  cell_size: LARGE

  # Types of the pieces to use.
  # BLOCK: Pieces are represented by blocks (can only be used with cell_size: LARGE).
  # MODEL (ONLY MineChess+): Pieces are represented by custom models (requires resource-pack).
  pieces_type: BLOCK

  # Blocks of each cell of the board.
  # All Materiales here:
  board_black_cell_block: GRAY_WOOL
  board_white_cell_block: WHITE_WOOL

  # Game Mode of the arena
  #   The arena has a maximum amount of time, and players must complete their turn within a specific time limit.
  # PLAYER_TIME (ONLY MineChess+):
  #   Players have an individual total time limit. They can take as much time as they want during their turns.
  #   The first player to run out of time loses the game.
  gamemode: ARENA_TIME

  # Some values depending on the gamemode.
    # If gamemode is set to ARENA_TIME:
    #   Maximum amount of time of the arena, in seconds.
    # If gamemode is set to PLAYER_TIME
    #   Maximum amount of time players have during the game, in seconds.
    max_time: 600

    # If gamemode is set to ARENA_TIME:
    #   Maximum amount of time players have to play their turn, in seconds.
    turn_time: 40
  # Defines what should happen when the game ends because of time limit. Only
  # applies if gamemode is set to ARENA_TIME.
  #   When the game ends because of time limit, the player with more points will win the game.
  #   When the game ends because of time limit, its considered a tie.
  end_time: CHECK_POINTS

You can also modify most of these options per arena using the /minechess edit <arena> command. This will open an inventory.

Arena Locations

By using the first items (compasses), you can set the lobby and player spawns to your current location. However, it is not really recommended to change these values since the plugin automatically sets the locations when building the arena board.

Arena Gamemode

This defines the style of game of the arena. There are 2 gamemodes.

Gamemode 1: Arena Time

The arena has a maximum amount of time, and players must complete their turn within a specific time limit. When selecting this mode, you are presented with 3 options.

Max Time

Maximum amount of time of the arena, in seconds.

Turn Time

Maximum amount of time players have to play their turn, in seconds.

End Mode

Defines what should happen when the game ends because of time limit.

  • CHECK_POINTS: When the game ends because of time limit, the player with more points will win the game.

  • ALWAYS_TIE: When the game ends because of time limit, its considered a tie.

Gamemode 2: Player Time

MineChess+ exclusive feature.

Players have an individual total time limit. They can take as much time as they want during their turns. The first player to run out of time loses the game. When selecting this mode, you are presented with 1 option.

Max Individual Time

Maximum amount of time players have during the game, in seconds.

Pieces Type

Types of the pieces to use. There are 2 types.


Pieces are represented by blocks. This type can only be used with Cell Size set to Large. If you use this type remember to configure the Pieces Block Structure in the config.yml file.


MineChess+ exclusive feature.

Pieces are represented by custom models. This type requires you to use a resource-pack. The plugin offers a resource pack you can use HERE. If you use this type remember to configure the Pieces Model Structure in the config.yml file.

Cell Size

Defines the size of the board's cells.

This option CAN'T be modified through the inventory, you must do so in the arenas_default_values option in the config.yml file before creating the arena.

There are 3 types.


MineChess+ exclusive feature.

Each cell has 1x1 blocks. You can only set this cell size when Pieces Type is set to Model.

  cell_size: SMALL


MineChess+ exclusive feature.

Each cell has 2x2 blocks. You can only set this cell size when Pieces Type is set to Model.

  cell_size: MEDIUM


Each cell has 3x3 blocks. You can use this ell size when Pieces Type is set to both Block and Model.

  cell_size: LARGE

Cell Blocks Materials

Defines the blocks/materials of each cell of the board.

This option CAN'T be modified through the inventory, you must do so in the arenas_default_values option in the config.yml file before creating the arena.

# All Materiales here:
  board_black_cell_block: GRAY_WOOL
  board_white_cell_block: WHITE_WOOL

Last updated