How to Start

Information of the plugin to work correctly on your server.



You need Spigot or Paper for the plugin to work. Don't use Craftbukkit.

Optional Dependencies


This dependency is completely optional. The plugin provides some PlaceholderAPI variables to use with other plugins.


To install the plugin on your server just place the MineChess file inside your plugins folder and start your server.

Create your first arena

Before creating an arena, consider that the plugin will auto-generate the chess board. If you want to decorate the sorroundings of the board you can do so, but it is recommended to do it after building the board. If you want, you can download an arena schematic HERE.

To start creating your first arena, you need to use the /minechess create <arena> command. Then, you must create the chess board using the /minechess build <arena> command. Make sure you are in an empty place, since this command will affect the terrain and blocks near you.

When building an arena, the plugin automatically sets the lobby and player spawns, so you don't need to set them manually.

If this is your first arena, remember to set the main lobby of the game using /minechess setmainlobby. This is not the lobby of the arena, but the general lobby, where players will spawn when leaving an arena.

Now you can use /minechess edit <arena> to modify some of the properties of the arena, like the gamemode or some time values.

To enable the arena and start playing you need to use /minechess enable <arena>. Now you can join the arena using the /minechess join <arena> command. You can also join via sign which is explained HERE.

If you want to edit the arena remember to always use the /minechess edit <arena> command. DON'T EDIT THE arenas.yml FILE!

Now that you have the arena created, you can build something sorrounding the board. You can also check the config.yml file to modify the plugin as you like.

The chess pieces are spawned when the game starts, and removed when the game ends.

Last updated